How to Calculate the Average
in Google Sheets

Learn how to easily calculate the average of a range of numbers in Google Sheets. This guide provides simple steps to find the mean value quickly.

Learn how to easily calculate the average of a range of numbers in Google Sheets. This guide provides simple steps to find the mean value quickly.

  1. Open your Google Sheets document and select the cell where you want the average result to appear.

  2. Type the formula =AVERAGE(range), replacing range with the cell range you want to average (e.g., =AVERAGE(A2:A10)).

  3. Press Enter, and the average of the selected range will appear in the selected cell.

  4. Ensure that the range contains numeric values for accurate calculations.

  5. If you need to calculate the average of non-adjacent cells, use =AVERAGE(A2, A5, A8) instead.

  6. For a weighted average, use the =SUMPRODUCT(range1, range2)/SUM(range2) formula.

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