How to Redline in Google Docs
Using Comment Option

Learn how to effectively use the comment feature in Google Docs for redlining. Enhance your document collaboration by providing clear feedback and suggestions directly within the text.

Learn how to effectively use the comment feature in Google Docs for redlining. Enhance your document collaboration by providing clear feedback and suggestions directly within the text.

  1. Open your Google Docs document.

  2. Highlight the text you want to redline or make a change to.

  3. Right-click the selected text and click "Comment," or click the "Add comment" button in the right sidebar.

  4. In the comment box, type your suggested change (e.g., "Delete this text" or "Insert this text").

  5. The comment will appear in the margin, and others can reply or resolve the comment as needed.

  6. Redlines can be used to show suggested edits and track feedback.

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