How to Go Frame by Frame
on YouTube

Master YouTube’s frame-by-frame feature. Analyze videos and capture precise moments easily with our step-by-step instructions.

Master YouTube’s frame-by-frame feature. Analyze videos and capture precise moments easily with our step-by-step instructions.

  1. Open YouTube in your browser, find the video you want to analyze, and press play to start the video.

  2. Pause the video at the desired point using the spacebar or the play/pause button below the video player.

  3. Press the period key (.) to advance the video one frame forward, or press the comma key (,) to go one frame backward.

  4. Continue pressing the keys repeatedly to analyze the video frame by frame, capturing precise details or moments.

  5. This method works only when the video is paused, so ensure it’s not playing before using the shortcuts.

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